“Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win”
Success at the weight loss game requires a three-sided approach. To loose the weight once and for all, you have to be willing to change your mind, body and spirit. It’s easy to avoid doing this when you begin a regime – when the weight is falling off quickly and you’re energized by your success. But what happens when setbacks kick in? Or when the eventual slowing of the process or plateau happens? Or when things become routine and boring … then what?
You have two choices – GIVE UP or DIG DEEPER. Ask yourself, ‘what am I supposed to learn here? What can I do better? Is my behavior in alignment with my weight loss goals?’ Be really honest … are you really working your program? Maybe you think that latte or splurge meal once a week is ok, but is it? Give yourself a quiet moment and let your subconscious reveal your next steps.

Success means acting in accord with your own fruition … ask yourself, how bad do I want it? And be willing to take the time to work the challenge. Even if it means sitting quietly to just listen. This isn’t always easy, but then who says it’s supposed to be. Sure there are quick fixes out there, but really, how many of them actually last? To make sustainable change, approach your weight loss from a higher place. Show up, be present, be aware, be honest … integrity is key. Only then will you receive what you really want.
This week, take the time to recognize that weight loss setbacks are part of the journey! Will you let them stop you? Or will you keep your eye on the ball and engage your mind, body and spirit for the answers that live within?