Saturday, April 3, 2010

Emotional Spring Cleaning

For every moment we can be at peace with ourselves, we are that much closer to being a part of life

With the traditional spring holidays here and nature beginning to bloom, we find ourselves emerging from our winter hibernation. Have you ever noticed that you have a little more energy when Spring comes or that waking up and getting out of bed is somehow easier?  I know that for me, it’s far less difficult to make one of those early morning yoga classes this time of year than it is during the dead of winter.

How will you embrace Spring this year?  

Many people use the energy from this season to propel them forward.
Some like gardening, planting vegetables and herbs such as tomatoes and eggplants and basil, others enjoy more vigorous outdoor activities such as hiking or bike riding or kayaking.  Whatever your choices are now is the perfect time to prepare for summer – to spruce up the outside of your home with a fresh coat of paint or plant a flower garden.

And of course, there’s the age-old tradition of Spring Cleaning!  Many of us use this time to clean out old closets, deep clean the winter cobwebs from our homes and change bed linens from heavy blankets and flannels sheets to crisp cottons and light bedspreads.

This year, let’s take some time to clear internally was well … I’m talking about a little emotional Spring Cleaning.  Take time to pay attention to the things you’re really feeling.  How do your emotions serve you?  Where are they standing in the way? What needs to change for you to really move ahead and be at peace with yourself?  What shifts can you make to create a healthier, happier life?  

One tip I give my clients is to observe what foods you’re craving.  If you’re craving salt, many times that’s a mask for hidden anger. What does it really mean when you’re reaching for those chips or craving salty French fries?  Who could you be angry at? Your parents?  Your spouse?  Your children?  Or is it yourself for accepting how others are treating you?  

Or maybe it’s not salt that gets you.  Maybe you’ve got an insatiable sweet tooth. Know that sugar conceals sadness. Again, take some time to be mindful of the ‘why’ behind the action … why are you reaching for the Cadbury mini eggs? What’s going on in your life to cause the cupcake craving? Is there something that’s making you unhappy? 

Examining these emotions and looking at reasons for eating can give your weight release regime a clean sweep!  Shine light on the actual problems and you may find a renewed sense of peace that makes the need for sugar or salt fade away. This is the ultimate Spring Cleaning!  Give it a try and see how it works for you!


  1. Great stuff to think about ... thanks ... I'd better re-examine my intake of marshmallow twists (passover) and peeps (easter)

  2. This makes perfect sense!
    Thank you for inspiring the internal spring cleaning with the external!
