Thursday, June 24, 2010

Behind the Curtain

“Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they lead to actions.
Watch your actions, they create habits
Watch your habits, they build character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

This is such a powerful quote, and so genuinely real. Everything is possible, including weight loss and excellent living – and it all starts with our thoughts.

This is why for the first time ever on June 28th I’m taking you behind the curtain to reveal the world of PURE POSSIBILITYI’ll teach you simple and easy tools can open the door to the life you’ve been wishing for!

Sound too good to be true?  It’s not.
Just by shifting your perceptions you find out how to bridge the gap between your current reality and create the brilliant life you desire.
Learn to manifest joy, better health, peace and happiness! The process is simple! 

All you have to do is learn to harness it!  The straightforward techniques I will teach you are SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to CHANGE THE QUALITY OF LIFE by reducing stress, creating excellent health and restoring balance.

No matter where you are your life, this class can take you to the next level of success! Come join me for this introductory seminar! 
Special price $20.00 (regular $85.00)

Seating is LIMITED, please RSVP to to reserve your spot!

Introductory Class  
Monday, June 28 –
5534 E. 7th Street, Long Beach, CA 90804

Monday, June 7, 2010

Respond Don't React

“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to [respond] not react.” George Bernard Shaw

There is a huge difference between responding and reacting to a situation.  Being conscious of the distinction between the two can change your life for the better.

Responding gently tends to disarm a potentially volatile situation instead of escalating it, whereas reacting usually adds fuel to the fire. It is also exhausting.
We’ve all been in that situation … where we’ve reacted from anger in the moment … and seen the end results.  People’s feelings get hurt, and things get messy.

Next time instead of fighting fire with fire, try fighting it with water. Pause and take a beat to respond from a higher level-- intelligently, calmly and thoughtfully -- If you do this, the flames tend to subside.

A trick to calm yourself is to put you tongue to the roof of your mouth and breath through your nose. Inhale and exhale slowly while listening to the other person.  The roof of your mouth has a pressure point, which when activated allow you to relax so you can listen gracefully until you can remedy or remove yourself from the situation.

Differences of opinion are only natural. The goal when you encounter them is to come out clean. To do that keep these guidelines in mind: listen mindfully, speak your own truth and respond with integrity and kindness. Remember, essentially, both sides want the same thing – to be heard.

Next time you come across a volatile situation, think RESPOND instead of REACT. You’ll find your life will be calmer, happier and a lot less stressful.

Here are a few RESPONDING TIPS for kinder, gentler and more peaceful existence:

-Acknowledge the other person’s feelings and let them know you hear them by saying ‘You may be right.’
-Agree to disagree, and move on without belaboring the point.
-Excuse yourself to a get breath of fresh air, then ask your Higher Power for Ease and Grace.

Namaste, Nancy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Art of Connecting

“It was by chance that we met, and by choice that we became friends.” Unknown

Have you ever noticed that there’s time in your life when chance draws the most incredible people to you?  The other day I was thinking how LUCKY I am to have made so many fantastic new friends. 
 And since LUCK is really just an intersection of AWARENESS and PREPAREDNESS, meeting the MOST AMAZING PEOPLE hasn’t happened by accident. For me it’s all about being conscious of connecting authentically and from the heart.

First I had to get in touch with myself. I prepared by challenging my limiting beliefs and took action to change them. I really had to S-T-R-E-T-C-H out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith. I decided that I would no longer be frightened of putting myself out there.

I let go of the paralyzing fear of imperfection and consciously chose a new path. I went to networking meetings in unfamiliar areas and took classes and attended seminars to improve my business and my life. The more I linked with others, the more I got IN TOUCH WITH MYSELF.

My BIG AHA was this -- Not everyone you meet is going to love you and want to be your best friend and vice versa. The important thing is to be your own best friend and go for quality relationships as opposed to quantity! I used to suffer from wanting everyone’s approval. Now I know you’re not always going to get it right, but you aren’t always going to get it wrong, either. There is ART in IMPERFECTION.

How do you get reacquainted with your Self? For me it’s by reading or listening to my favorite music. Another funny way I connect is to sit in a cafĂ©. (My favorite is Nordstrom’s.) I’m a visual person, so I love to watch the shoppers go by. The energy fuels my creativity.

This week do something to really CONNECT to the CORE of who YOU are. Meditate, hike or do yoga.  Open your heart and do what it takes to create a state of free-flowing bliss.  Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and see how many new friends the Universe brings to you!

For more on how to connect further with yourself ... check out my Amazon suggests in the sidebar.  I love ALL of these picks, but am currently re-reading The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz

Also, for short and sweet daily inspiration, sign up for the one-minute meditations!  They're terrific!