Sunday, May 9, 2010

There is an Indian saying that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room each day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.”

I am compelled to write about love even though it is the month of May. But I know that this is also the month that we celebrate Mothers Day and so it really isn’t too far off to talk about love.

Relationships with ones Mother can be very complex.  I have a much respect, love and admiration for my mother, and she for me but sometimes our communication doesn’t necessarily portrait that. I am a mother of two beautiful teenage children and I know that at times we experience our own rough patches. For me being mother has been an opportunity to learn and grow and expand in ways I would have never imagined. My children have taught me that I shouldn’t ever get stuck on the small stuff if I want us to hang out and have some fun  and laughs together. They taught me that there are many ways to do one thing and that my way isn’t always the best! In other words "give up the control".  They taught me how to hug and kiss them with reckless abandon.  My advice should only be given when asked for, and I am only here to guide and encourage them to be their best and biggest self. One of the biggest lesson by far is that I can’t prevent them from making their own mistakes. You can’t gain experience and wisdom in life if you don’t make mistakes. It’s an unwritten law somewhere I’m sure. Even though mistakes can cause disappointment we don't automatically stop loving the people we care about because they made a mistake.
We are all  a work in progress and let's face it we didn't learn to walk without falling quite a few times.

So what do you do when you know you've made a mistake or failed at something you've attempted?  Do you hide under the covers?  Do you blame other people? Do you give up?  Why not try walking into one of those other rooms in your house to see if you can't get a new perspective.   Love yourself the way you would love a friend or a loved one who needs some extra encouragement and support?  Look at all the different ways you could try again.  You owe it to yourself to try a new game plan if the one you have been using isn't getting you the happiness you deserve!  There is a big world out there just waiting for you, go ahead crack open the door!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the sharing on your teens... great advice! keep it coming...
