Sunday, February 21, 2010

Soul Reviving Activity

Is there something that you love to do to get in touch with your spirit?  Some activity where you take a moment to be grateful or just be … Is there some soul-reviving practice that you wish you had more time for?

This is the week to create that space.  It’s the week to become still.  Stillness is the simple practice of not doing. It can be achieved through prayer, meditation, or even lighting a white candle just to watch it glow.  In stillness the mind grows quiet (eventually), and allows you to enter the realm of the heart. Practicing stillness invites feelings of joyful happiness and inner peace. It can also create the space to transform thoughts and feelings that don’t serve you.

This is the arena of pure possibility -- the place where spontaneity brings unexpected solutions from the depths of your soul.

And though it sounds counter-intuitive, sometimes the most productive thing is to stop doing and BE.  When we take the time to be still, our hearts become activated, creating new doors and boundless opportunities.  Everyone around you will benefit from this because you’re shifting from a reactive mode to a responsive one.  This will allow you to handle life’s stresses with more grace and ease.

If allowing yourself to BE is hit and miss in your life, then here’s an easy way for you to do it more regularly.

Consistency Challenge: Create a ritual of making the time to BE. Whatever you love to do -- light a candle, take a bath, meditate, journal, be grateful or pray.  Begin this week to find at least 10 minutes to do one thing that will nourish your soul.  Once you do this, mark it on your calendar for next week as well.

In that time, BE present, BE grateful and BE aware of possibility.

My favorite weekly thing to do is a Friday morning walk along the beach.  I enjoy watching the waves roll in, the dolphins play and the pelicans perch on the pier.  It reminds me we are a smaller part of a much bigger picture.

What mindful activity rejuvenates your soul? 


  1. This was great. Very helpful, though I have to think about what really means for me to BE present. There is so much in my life that I don't agree with or I don't want and I don't know how to say "no" or "enough". But I will spend some time to consider this article. Love it.

  2. Great post. My mindful ceremonies are yoga, meditation, Reiki, and EFT. Yoga is probably the one that I practice most often. It also helps to have a support group that keeps me focused on my ceremonies and mindful ceremonies. Your blog is a great way to stay focused.

  3. I had to come and visit this article again. Very helpful. I need to make the time for myself and BE at the moment. I keep saying but not doing.
    @loveambassador, may I ask what is EFT?
