Thursday, June 24, 2010

Behind the Curtain

“Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they lead to actions.
Watch your actions, they create habits
Watch your habits, they build character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

This is such a powerful quote, and so genuinely real. Everything is possible, including weight loss and excellent living – and it all starts with our thoughts.

This is why for the first time ever on June 28th I’m taking you behind the curtain to reveal the world of PURE POSSIBILITYI’ll teach you simple and easy tools can open the door to the life you’ve been wishing for!

Sound too good to be true?  It’s not.
Just by shifting your perceptions you find out how to bridge the gap between your current reality and create the brilliant life you desire.
Learn to manifest joy, better health, peace and happiness! The process is simple! 

All you have to do is learn to harness it!  The straightforward techniques I will teach you are SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to CHANGE THE QUALITY OF LIFE by reducing stress, creating excellent health and restoring balance.

No matter where you are your life, this class can take you to the next level of success! Come join me for this introductory seminar! 
Special price $20.00 (regular $85.00)

Seating is LIMITED, please RSVP to to reserve your spot!

Introductory Class  
Monday, June 28 –
5534 E. 7th Street, Long Beach, CA 90804

Monday, June 7, 2010

Respond Don't React

“The possibilities are numerous once we decide to [respond] not react.” George Bernard Shaw

There is a huge difference between responding and reacting to a situation.  Being conscious of the distinction between the two can change your life for the better.

Responding gently tends to disarm a potentially volatile situation instead of escalating it, whereas reacting usually adds fuel to the fire. It is also exhausting.
We’ve all been in that situation … where we’ve reacted from anger in the moment … and seen the end results.  People’s feelings get hurt, and things get messy.

Next time instead of fighting fire with fire, try fighting it with water. Pause and take a beat to respond from a higher level-- intelligently, calmly and thoughtfully -- If you do this, the flames tend to subside.

A trick to calm yourself is to put you tongue to the roof of your mouth and breath through your nose. Inhale and exhale slowly while listening to the other person.  The roof of your mouth has a pressure point, which when activated allow you to relax so you can listen gracefully until you can remedy or remove yourself from the situation.

Differences of opinion are only natural. The goal when you encounter them is to come out clean. To do that keep these guidelines in mind: listen mindfully, speak your own truth and respond with integrity and kindness. Remember, essentially, both sides want the same thing – to be heard.

Next time you come across a volatile situation, think RESPOND instead of REACT. You’ll find your life will be calmer, happier and a lot less stressful.

Here are a few RESPONDING TIPS for kinder, gentler and more peaceful existence:

-Acknowledge the other person’s feelings and let them know you hear them by saying ‘You may be right.’
-Agree to disagree, and move on without belaboring the point.
-Excuse yourself to a get breath of fresh air, then ask your Higher Power for Ease and Grace.

Namaste, Nancy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Art of Connecting

“It was by chance that we met, and by choice that we became friends.” Unknown

Have you ever noticed that there’s time in your life when chance draws the most incredible people to you?  The other day I was thinking how LUCKY I am to have made so many fantastic new friends. 
 And since LUCK is really just an intersection of AWARENESS and PREPAREDNESS, meeting the MOST AMAZING PEOPLE hasn’t happened by accident. For me it’s all about being conscious of connecting authentically and from the heart.

First I had to get in touch with myself. I prepared by challenging my limiting beliefs and took action to change them. I really had to S-T-R-E-T-C-H out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith. I decided that I would no longer be frightened of putting myself out there.

I let go of the paralyzing fear of imperfection and consciously chose a new path. I went to networking meetings in unfamiliar areas and took classes and attended seminars to improve my business and my life. The more I linked with others, the more I got IN TOUCH WITH MYSELF.

My BIG AHA was this -- Not everyone you meet is going to love you and want to be your best friend and vice versa. The important thing is to be your own best friend and go for quality relationships as opposed to quantity! I used to suffer from wanting everyone’s approval. Now I know you’re not always going to get it right, but you aren’t always going to get it wrong, either. There is ART in IMPERFECTION.

How do you get reacquainted with your Self? For me it’s by reading or listening to my favorite music. Another funny way I connect is to sit in a cafĂ©. (My favorite is Nordstrom’s.) I’m a visual person, so I love to watch the shoppers go by. The energy fuels my creativity.

This week do something to really CONNECT to the CORE of who YOU are. Meditate, hike or do yoga.  Open your heart and do what it takes to create a state of free-flowing bliss.  Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and see how many new friends the Universe brings to you!

For more on how to connect further with yourself ... check out my Amazon suggests in the sidebar.  I love ALL of these picks, but am currently re-reading The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz

Also, for short and sweet daily inspiration, sign up for the one-minute meditations!  They're terrific!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Art of Asking

“Listening to your heart is not simple … It takes a lot of courage to get to know who you are and [ask for] what you want.”  Sue Bender

Many people are afraid to ask for help for fear of being judged or laughed at. Others just have no idea that asking is an option.
Whatever your belief, speaking the truth FROM YOUR HEART is a way of honoring your individuality. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.

Just be sure to do it correctly. There is an ART to ASKING for what you want. Be conscious and mindful before you begin. Think to yourself, “Is my request heart-based?”  Really examine it and make sure it is not contaminated with hidden anger, annoyance or impatience. 

Then acknowledge the person your asking in a kind way, and be prepared for whatever the answer is, yes or no. Realize that not everyone is walking the same path.

If you are asking another person to change a behavior, do not blame them for the current circumstances. Begin with something positive, then say “it would really help me if … “ or “I need your support with …” Some people are open to this, others are not.  This doesn’t mean you needs will not be met.

In fact, by simply looking into your heart and asking for help you are honoring your AUTHENTIC SELF.  By doing so you are giving yourself the POWER to take care of yourself. This is the magic of the journey of the heart.

This week take the time to be grateful for individuality. Honor WHO YOU REALLY are by listening to your heart, reaching out to others, asking for help when you need it and observing how this makes a difference in your everyday life.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

There is an Indian saying that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room each day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.”

I am compelled to write about love even though it is the month of May. But I know that this is also the month that we celebrate Mothers Day and so it really isn’t too far off to talk about love.

Relationships with ones Mother can be very complex.  I have a much respect, love and admiration for my mother, and she for me but sometimes our communication doesn’t necessarily portrait that. I am a mother of two beautiful teenage children and I know that at times we experience our own rough patches. For me being mother has been an opportunity to learn and grow and expand in ways I would have never imagined. My children have taught me that I shouldn’t ever get stuck on the small stuff if I want us to hang out and have some fun  and laughs together. They taught me that there are many ways to do one thing and that my way isn’t always the best! In other words "give up the control".  They taught me how to hug and kiss them with reckless abandon.  My advice should only be given when asked for, and I am only here to guide and encourage them to be their best and biggest self. One of the biggest lesson by far is that I can’t prevent them from making their own mistakes. You can’t gain experience and wisdom in life if you don’t make mistakes. It’s an unwritten law somewhere I’m sure. Even though mistakes can cause disappointment we don't automatically stop loving the people we care about because they made a mistake.
We are all  a work in progress and let's face it we didn't learn to walk without falling quite a few times.

So what do you do when you know you've made a mistake or failed at something you've attempted?  Do you hide under the covers?  Do you blame other people? Do you give up?  Why not try walking into one of those other rooms in your house to see if you can't get a new perspective.   Love yourself the way you would love a friend or a loved one who needs some extra encouragement and support?  Look at all the different ways you could try again.  You owe it to yourself to try a new game plan if the one you have been using isn't getting you the happiness you deserve!  There is a big world out there just waiting for you, go ahead crack open the door!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


“Intuition is a spiritual faculty, and does not explain, but simply points the way.” Florence Scovel Shinn

One of my favorite excerpts is from Sarah Ban Breathnach’s book Simple Abundance. In it she talks about intuition. Anthropologist Margaret Mead calls it “the age-long training in human relations.”

Webster’s dictionary defines it as instinctive knowledge or an unexplained perception. It is also known as the sixth sense.

While some will debate the existence of intuition, I know that it exists. I use mine all the time. Do you use yours? Have you learned how to tune in to your inner instinct - that undefined part of you that’s constantly transmitting signals?

Some people call them hits, others tell me fairies whisper in their ear … Breathnach says it’s the subliminal sense of Spirit that allows us to maneuver safely through life.

Are you tuned in to your guiding Spirit? If not, try this … think of yourself as a radio … set your dial to the intuitive station and listen. Are you picking up the signal clearly or are you just getting static? One way to know is to follow your ‘gut.’ Pay attention and you will find that frequently your body will have a physical reaction to a situation. Tune in to this … let it lead you and your life will transform.

Intuitive knowing has been around for a while. In 1946 Katharine Butler Hathaway, a feminist author notoriously guided by her Spirit, wrote this just before she died, “It is only by following your deepest instinct that you can lead a rich life. If you let your fear of consequence prevent you from following your deepest instinct then your life will be SAFE, EXPEDIENT and THIN.”

Conversely, following your instincts, or your inner knowledge, can help your arrive at the right place at the right time. When you tap in to your intuition, you tap into the flow of the Universe allowing miraculous synchronicity to happen.

Starting today go within and seek guidance from your authentic Self. Follow your gut on a regular basis and eventually this sixth sense will enhance your life just a richly as the other five senses do.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Setbacks are Part of the Game

“Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win”

Success at the weight loss game requires a three-sided approach.  To loose the weight once and for all, you have to be willing to change your mind, body and spirit.  It’s easy to avoid doing this when you begin a regime – when the weight is falling off quickly and you’re energized by your success.  But what happens when setbacks kick in?  Or when the eventual slowing of the process or plateau happens?  Or when things become routine and boring … then what?

You have two choices – GIVE UP or DIG DEEPER.  Ask yourself, ‘what am I supposed to learn here?  What can I do better?  Is my behavior in alignment with my weight loss goals?’  Be really honest … are you really working your program?  Maybe you think that latte or splurge meal once a week is ok, but is it? Give yourself a quiet moment and let your subconscious reveal your next steps. 

Perhaps there’s a piece of the puzzle you’re neglecting … or there’s something you’re not aware holding you back.  This setback is actually a huge opportunity – one to discover your own truth. YOU are the one responsible for the success of your health and wellness journey.  YOU have the answers inside you.  The question is, are you really ready? Or are you just paying lip service to your dream? 

Success means acting in accord with your own fruition … ask yourself, how bad do I want it?  And be willing to take the time to work the challenge. Even if it means sitting quietly to just listen. This isn’t always easy, but then who says it’s supposed to be.  Sure there are quick fixes out there, but really, how many of them actually last?  To make sustainable change, approach your weight loss from a higher place.   Show up, be present, be aware, be honest … integrity is key.  Only then will you receive what you really want.

This week, take the time to recognize that weight loss setbacks  are part of the journey!  Will you let them stop you?  Or will you keep your eye on the ball and engage your mind, body and spirit for the answers that live within? 

Monday, April 12, 2010

Take the 'Work' out of Workout!

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”
Robert Collier

Everyone knows working out is an essential component to health and fitness, but it’s one that many avoid all too often. The key to a successful workout routine is to take the ‘work’ out of working out.

There are many ways you can be active and have fun at the same time.  All it takes is some creativity.  No longer are traditional gyms the best option and you don’t even have to set aside a big block of time to reap the benefits of activity.  A good thing to determine is what kind of workout animal you really are.  Are you an early bird full of energy in the morning?  One who likes to get your workout done first thing to avoid being distracted? Or are you a night owl?  One who likes to work out in the evening to relax from all the pressure the day brings?  

Do you like to work out alone or with friends or in a group?  Do you like to take exercise classes, enjoy nature, workout with a trainer? Do you get bored easily and need a variety of activities so you can switch things up to keep it interesting, or are you creature of habit that finds comfort in doing the same thing on the same days? Maybe participating in a team sport like volleyball or baseball is your thing.  Were there sports you loved as a kid? As you can see there is no right or wrong.

The most important thing about making activity a constant in your life is to do what you love and what you find fun! Because let’s face it, if it’s not fun, you’re not going to stick to it.

I personally am an early bird who likes variety.  I LOVE hot yoga.  I LOVE walking along the beach once a week with my friends (because getting outside and breathing fresh air is SO IMPORTANT no matter what form of exercise you choose). And I love to dance.  What tickles your fancy when it comes to exercise?  Really think about this …

Knowing these things about yourself will make a difference in your stick-to-it-ness.  And after all consistency with exercise is key. Studies show exercise has a myriad of benefits.  Here’s just a few:

Strengthening bones
Building lean muscle
Raising metabolic rate
Sleeping better
Stress reduction
Enhances moods
Strengthens cardiovascular system
Reduces cholesterol
Reduces blood pressure

There are all kinds of activities you can do.  Volleyball, jumping rope, power walking, dancing, hiking, bowling, skating, etc … I have one client who is the ultimate multi-tasker.  Being an extremely busy executive with long days she created the ‘mobile meeting’ – meetings with her staff while walking and talking.  Not only is she taking care of her business, she’s taking care of herself too and has lost 21 pounds to boot! 

For those who are short on time, the latest studies show that burst training is the way to burn fat and by working out hard for about 10 minutes a day 3-4 times a week.  Check out Dr. Pompa’s video!  I hope you’ll be as inspired as I was.

No matter what you choose to do, remember to keep it fun!  Get creative!  There are hundreds of ways to exercise … to take the work out of workout!  What’s your favorite fun routine?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Emotional Spring Cleaning

For every moment we can be at peace with ourselves, we are that much closer to being a part of life

With the traditional spring holidays here and nature beginning to bloom, we find ourselves emerging from our winter hibernation. Have you ever noticed that you have a little more energy when Spring comes or that waking up and getting out of bed is somehow easier?  I know that for me, it’s far less difficult to make one of those early morning yoga classes this time of year than it is during the dead of winter.

How will you embrace Spring this year?  

Many people use the energy from this season to propel them forward.
Some like gardening, planting vegetables and herbs such as tomatoes and eggplants and basil, others enjoy more vigorous outdoor activities such as hiking or bike riding or kayaking.  Whatever your choices are now is the perfect time to prepare for summer – to spruce up the outside of your home with a fresh coat of paint or plant a flower garden.

And of course, there’s the age-old tradition of Spring Cleaning!  Many of us use this time to clean out old closets, deep clean the winter cobwebs from our homes and change bed linens from heavy blankets and flannels sheets to crisp cottons and light bedspreads.

This year, let’s take some time to clear internally was well … I’m talking about a little emotional Spring Cleaning.  Take time to pay attention to the things you’re really feeling.  How do your emotions serve you?  Where are they standing in the way? What needs to change for you to really move ahead and be at peace with yourself?  What shifts can you make to create a healthier, happier life?  

One tip I give my clients is to observe what foods you’re craving.  If you’re craving salt, many times that’s a mask for hidden anger. What does it really mean when you’re reaching for those chips or craving salty French fries?  Who could you be angry at? Your parents?  Your spouse?  Your children?  Or is it yourself for accepting how others are treating you?  

Or maybe it’s not salt that gets you.  Maybe you’ve got an insatiable sweet tooth. Know that sugar conceals sadness. Again, take some time to be mindful of the ‘why’ behind the action … why are you reaching for the Cadbury mini eggs? What’s going on in your life to cause the cupcake craving? Is there something that’s making you unhappy? 

Examining these emotions and looking at reasons for eating can give your weight release regime a clean sweep!  Shine light on the actual problems and you may find a renewed sense of peace that makes the need for sugar or salt fade away. This is the ultimate Spring Cleaning!  Give it a try and see how it works for you!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Write Your 'Normal'

“Normal is just a setting on the dryer”

Some of the wisest people I know write in journals. They keep their ideas, desires, goals, dreams, feelings and frustrations all in one special spot.   A journal is a safe place to discover and embrace your authentic self -- the perfect place to deeply explore things you are no longer content with and to create dreams and goals for the future. It is also a wonderful avenue to celebrate your accomplishments and is the ideal companion in your personal wellness journey. 

Journaling helps you find your own ‘normal’ setting.  It allows you to be brutally honest, to clarify your thoughts and to gain insight and discover who you are.   It allows you to safely vent, vent, vent without contaminating everyone else with crummy thoughts.  If you’ve ever tried this, eventually, you DO get to a point where you’ve vented so much, you’re sick of hearing yourself.  Then the magic can happen.  You open the path for a new kind of consciousness, you’ve given yourself the gift of experiencing life’s lessons, good and bad, with more grace and ease.

Writing your thoughts helps process emotions and integrate feelings.  This is the magic of a journal.  It listens without talking back, reflects without judgment and encourages self-exploration and bold curiosity. Research shows that journaling promotes physical health, improves cognitive function, strengthens the immune system and counteracts many of the negative effects of stress.

If you’re struggling with weight release, a journal is a must have tool.  It provides a safe space to digest the emotions that are involved with weight.  In a journal you can freely chew on your thoughts, and chew and chew and chew  J … until YOU have made the decision that the advice of a close relative or even a well-meaning stranger is either worth swallowing or spitting out.

In journaling you will discover you have the power to change your reactions, your way of thinking, your way of looking at things and ultimately to find your own ‘normal’!

Tip: Give yourself a treat and have some fun! To get inspired, go to your favorite stationary or bookstore, buy a beautiful journal and start writing!  

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Live Happy!

Does it feel some days like the Universe is trying to tell you something?  For me this week, the lesson is about finding ways to feel as great as I can feel and to create more joy and happiness in my life.

Did you know that it’s in our hands to be happy or sad, to have a positive attitude or a negative one?  It’s really all about making a choice. Some people are truly afraid to be happy.  They are afraid to share it with their friends, out of either guilt or a fear that if they claim happiness the other shoe will drop and something bad will happen.

Actually the opposite it true.  It takes less energy to be in a good mood than it does to be in a bad one, but as a society, we bond over common complaints … the weather, the traffic the economy … the list of things to complain about can be never-ending. We meet all kinds of situations during that day that are not conducive to happiness. The trick is to try to find the good in each situation, there are two sides to every coin.

For most of us, it’s the simple everyday inconvenient things that ruffle our feathers most frequently.  Like being stuck in traffic … think about it.  Is getting frustrated and losing your patience really going to make the situation any better? I personally have enforced a no-honk policy on myself.  It isn’t just about having self-restraint and reducing noise pollution … it’s a gift I give to myself and to others -- a gift of being patient, respectful and polite.  Surprisingly in most cases, my courtesy is returned tenfold! 

Ask yourself, what kind of impact do you have on other people you interact with during the day?  Do you want to be the one who shows up flustered and angry and spreads that kind of energy?  Or do you want to be the one who arrives happy and in a calm state of mind with a smile on your face?  Who would you rather see arrive at your home or office?

It’s time to break free from the complaining trap and get into the happiness habit. Our attitude toward life determines our level of success. Like the Richard Carlson said, ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.’

Here’s a tip:  When you find yourself complaining about the small stuff, try and let it go, and if you absolutely can’t then ask yourself, ‘what lesson am I supposed to be learning from this?’  

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Inner Critic and Emotional Eating

Did you know research indicates the average person talks to himself/herself about 50,000 times a day? And that 80% of the time, that self talk is negative?

Everyone has an inner critic, a voice that speaks to you in such a powerful way that it can prevent you from achieving your full potential.  It questions you – ‘who do you think you are?’  It challenges you – ‘you should just give up cause you’re never gonna get it.’ And it belittles you – ‘you’re not smart enough to succeed.’

This inner critic is so controlling it affects your confidence, your willingness to act and even your physical health.  So one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves is ‘how do we tame our inner critic?’

The first step is to see it and acknowledge it for what it is.  The second is to understand that everyone struggles with this type of negative self-talk.  Ask yourself, where is my inner critic holding me back? Is what my inner critic saying really the truth? Where is it creating unnecessary obstacles for me - in my weight, in my business, in relationships? Be curious and be aware.

For many of us the inner critic activates emotions that cause us to overeat.  When that happens, it’s important to ask yourself ‘what is the emotion I’m really feeling?’   If you really have to eat, give yourself permission and then get over it.  Don’t beat yourself up. Recognizing which emotion (anger, anxiety or doubt for example) caused this behavior is a HUGE step toward taking action.  Formulate a success plan for the next time that emotion strikes. (And it will again!)

Here are a few things you can do to squash the inner critic:
  •            take a walk
  •      get out of the environment – go to a store or the par
  •      last, have a good laugh - watch a funnyYouTube video or watch a funny movie or ask a friend to tell you a good joke (Laughter is healing!)
Let go of the need to be perfect. The best we can expect is progress, not perfection.  When we understand this, we reclaim our focus and are able to pursue our dreams and work to obtain our goals with fearless, unabashed passion.

Is there a strategy you already use to silence your inner critic? If you do, share here.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Moon and Stars

When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the creator.”  Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, February 28, is a full moon.  Do you remember the last time you looked at the moon and stars? How did it make you feel?  Connected? Like you’re a part of a bigger picture? Like anything you imagine is completely possible?

I know I experience a deep sense of peace and hope when I gaze at the moon and stars.  There is a certain sense of wonder, especially during a full moon.  One cycle is completed and another brand new one is on the way, bringing with it numerous gifts and opportunities to release things that aren’t serving you – let go of guilt, worry, and resentment.  Instead practice forgiveness, acceptance and compassion.

Write down your wishes for the month of March. Look forward to beginning anew.  Will you be present enough to recognize gifts when they arrive?  Or will you be too busy with your to-do list to notice?

This Sunday, give yourself a few moments to really observe the full moon. Take some time to reflect and think back to when you were a kid. Get in touch with your playful side and marvel the limitless possibilities that await you. Look at the moon with someone you love – your partner, your child, a parent, a friend or even your pet.  Take a moment to connect.  Hold hands, give each other a hug or say ‘I love you.’  Whatever feels right, just reach out to one another! 

Remember, your possibilities are infinite as the evening sky!

p.s. – this Sunday, I encourage everyone to say a prayer for hope to those who have been affected by this week’s natural disasters. 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Soul Reviving Activity

Is there something that you love to do to get in touch with your spirit?  Some activity where you take a moment to be grateful or just be … Is there some soul-reviving practice that you wish you had more time for?

This is the week to create that space.  It’s the week to become still.  Stillness is the simple practice of not doing. It can be achieved through prayer, meditation, or even lighting a white candle just to watch it glow.  In stillness the mind grows quiet (eventually), and allows you to enter the realm of the heart. Practicing stillness invites feelings of joyful happiness and inner peace. It can also create the space to transform thoughts and feelings that don’t serve you.

This is the arena of pure possibility -- the place where spontaneity brings unexpected solutions from the depths of your soul.

And though it sounds counter-intuitive, sometimes the most productive thing is to stop doing and BE.  When we take the time to be still, our hearts become activated, creating new doors and boundless opportunities.  Everyone around you will benefit from this because you’re shifting from a reactive mode to a responsive one.  This will allow you to handle life’s stresses with more grace and ease.

If allowing yourself to BE is hit and miss in your life, then here’s an easy way for you to do it more regularly.

Consistency Challenge: Create a ritual of making the time to BE. Whatever you love to do -- light a candle, take a bath, meditate, journal, be grateful or pray.  Begin this week to find at least 10 minutes to do one thing that will nourish your soul.  Once you do this, mark it on your calendar for next week as well.

In that time, BE present, BE grateful and BE aware of possibility.

My favorite weekly thing to do is a Friday morning walk along the beach.  I enjoy watching the waves roll in, the dolphins play and the pelicans perch on the pier.  It reminds me we are a smaller part of a much bigger picture.

What mindful activity rejuvenates your soul? 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chinese New Year

Sunday is not just Valentine’s Day, it’s Chinese New Year as well. 2010 is the year of the Tiger.  Tiger’s bring good luck and good fortune with courage and bravery of actions.  This is the year for you to be bold and accomplish your goals! 

Persistence and consistency is key.  Let go of the need for perfection and embrace the journey. Successes and failures are bound to be part of it.  Celebrate your accomplishments and learn from your challenges. Be happy!  

Think, you can choose your destiny moment by moment. We all have choices to create change. A Tiger year brings those gifts to all who walk their path …  it’s a perfect time for Pure Possibility!

Weekly Challenge:  Right Mind

We are only as good as the thoughts we have. This week’s goal is to create a Right Mind mantra to keep you focused and productive. Think of it as a bridge you’re creating to help you over the tough spots you encounter, something to keep you motivated or get you back in the groove.

Example: “I am good enough”

Feel free to use this one or if you create another that someone else would love, please share it here.

For more about the power of your own potential, check out Pure Possibility at!

I'd love to hear from you!  

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Its been busy day!  I love how much I have learned and I am excited to be part of this blogging realm! My desire is to bring all the communities I am part of, some  inspiration and motivation to help transform individules to thrive and grow!

I can't wait to see how this all unfolds!   Lets share our victories and defeats let this be a place where  we can support and encourage each other to bring out our personal best!

In gratitude,

Nancy Mendell